Providing access
to exclusive opportunities

We focus mainly on dynamic IT/ICT sector and real estate development projects, offering access to investments shaping tomorrow's markets.

Our venture capital alternative fund is designed for experienced investors seeking innovative, high-growth opportunities.

At Wittigsberg Investments, we specialize in providing qualified investors with access to exclusive opportunities in the venture capital space.

Our activities are subject to Czech law, Section 15 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds. 

This site is for qualified investors only

Notice and Legal Disclaimer

Legal Status

We operate as a venture capital alternative fund under Czech law, Section 15 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds. Please note that we are not regulated by the Czech National Bank and are not a supervised investment institution under the Capital Market Undertakings Act.

Target Audience

The content on this website is intended only for qualified investors as defined by Czech law, in particular in Section 272 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds. If you do not meet these criteria, we kindly ask you to leave the website.

Risk Warning

Investing is always associated with certain risks, including:

  • the possibility of losing part or all of your investment,

  • fluctuations in the value of investments over time,

  • no guarantee of return on invested capital.

Past performance is not a predictor of future results. Nothing contained herein constitutes tax, legal, insurance or investment advice. We recommend consulting a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


All information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute an offer or invitation to invest and is intended only for users who understand the risks associated with venture capital alternative funds.

If you do not agree to these terms, please leave this website.

Thank you, The Wittigsberg Investments Team